A lot of car owners get basic insurance while buying a vehicle, but they neglect the important of towing coverage. Getting stranded in the middle of nowhere with a busted tire or malfunctioning car component is no fun! That is why you need the convenience of towing services, but no one wants to be stuck with exorbitant towing fees. With the right towing coverage, you will be at peace of mind that you always have help right around the corner.
Does towing come under basic car insurance?
When it comes to towing a car in Florida, not many insurance providers include roadside assistance and towing insurance as part of a basic package. Roadside assistance plans are typically considered an add-on to comprehensive insurance and collision coverage. It is always advisable to ask your provider about plans that cover roadside assistance.
What is included in towing services?
The amount of coverage depends upon the provider and the circumstances that led you to ending up on the side of the road. For instance, if your vehicle gets damaged in an accident, the collision part of the policy most likely covers the cost of towing a car to a certified mechanic for repairs. Roadside assistance insurance is required when your vehicle breaks down while driving. It often covers the cost of the towing service and per-mile fees up to a specified amount in your contract. If you pay the towing company during the time of service, the cost is reimbursed by the insurance company after processing your claim.
When can roadside assistance services be used?
You need to check with your insurance company if it covers towing for a limited number of miles. If those miles are exceeded, you might have to shell out more money for towing in South Florida. Roadside assistance covers situations like your car running out of gas, you getting locked out of the car; your vehicle gets stolen, etc. Please don’t confuse roadside assistance with making a claim, so you won’t pay deductible. Activating your towing coverage won’t raise your rates unless you use the coverage too many times in a short period.
How much does it cost?
Roadside assistance is more than just towing a car, so it depends on the specific vehicle, driving history, and area of residence. But if you can afford comprehensive and collision coverage, roadside assistance can be worth its towing coverage alone. Even if you feel the cost is slightly more than what you had envisioned, getting coverage for towing (Miami) for is worth it in the long run.